Watermolen den Haller – English

Watermolen den Haller

On the road from Diepenheim to Hengevelde is den Haller corn water mill, which was mentioned early in the Middle Ages.

molenfietsroute.nl - Watermolen den Haller - Diepenheim

The Diepenheimse Molenbeek and the Schipbeek

The mill is powered by the water of the Diepenheim Molenbeek, which receives its water from the Schipbeek. The mill is the center of a hamlet consisting of several farms and houses. This is probably also where Diepenheim’s origins lie. One of the farms is now a restaurant.

molenfietsroute.nl - Watermolen den Haller - Diepenheim

Beschermd dorpsgezicht

Due to its historical value, the water mill and its surroundings have the status of a protected village view.

The mill was still in operation every day until 1970. The farmers from the area had their grain milled there. While the miller was busy, they had a drink served in the farm where the restaurant is now located. They then took the flour back with them to bake bread or feed it to the pigs.

In good condition

The watermill has been largely preserved in its original form. It stands on wooden poles in the mill chamber. The tarred wooden facades and worn steps show the traces of the past. This does not alter the fact that the mill is in good condition again after a recent restoration.

Watermolenweg 34
7478PW Diepenheim
The Netherlands

Watermolen den Haller