- Oelermolen - Oele - Hengelo

Oeler watermolen – English

Oelermolen (Oldemeule / Oelemeulle)

The oldest mention of this watermill is from the loan register of Otto van Bentheim (1346-1364). On May 25, 1334, Ole Mole’s estate was enfeoffed on Evert van Bevervoorde by Simon, Count of Bentheim. Not only the mill is loaned, but also the Nijehuys, or a small castle that once stood to the east of the current mill.

Then we find in the loan registers the names of, for example, the following noble families:

  • Van Langen (1440)
  • Van Bevervoorde (1644-1828)
  • Von Munchausen (1767)
  • Solomonson (1805)

A lot of hassle

House and mill have been inseparable over the centuries. From the 16th century we also read various stories about the water mill and its millers. For example about Robert miller ‘ter oelder mill’. He is said to have fathered a child out of wedlock that he did not want to know. A lawsuit has even been filed by the mother about this. Water damage has also been claimed by people living upstream because the miller had pushed the water too long and too high to give the mill power.

French revolution

In 1690, a facade stone was placed in honor of the rebuilding of the mill. ‘From the bottom up’ and then the names of the nobles who had arranged this. Renewed from the ground up. Older material was used during the reconstruction. This can be seen from a beam that was used inside the mill and which bears the year 1668. And, during the French Revolution, the coats of arms of the noble families were cut from the facade stone. Too bad, but a nice story.

Two mills and decay

The mill consisted of two mills. One on the left of the mill stream and one on the right. The northern mill still exists. That’s the grain mill. The southern mill has disappeared. That was an oil mill. There is another photo of both from 1883.

In 1880 the mill came into the possession of Twickel and then the oil mill fell into disrepair. After all, Twickel already had a mill, the Noordmolen, also part of this cycle route. We have a nice description of the building complex from a sales advertisement by notary Staring from 1858.

The Oelermolen has been running again since 1976

The flour mill continued to work until the Second World War. In 1971, the dilapidated mill was transferred ‘free of charge’ to the municipality of Hengelo. In 1972 the mill was thoroughly renovated by the municipality of Hengelo. That is why there is still a well-functioning grain mill with undershot wheel here. The water flows against the bottom blades, causing the wheel to turn. First the decay, then the water power. This may not work well at low tide (we as millers know this all too well). They thought of something about that in the past. It is good to see that lower in the mill there was still an axle of an overshot wheel. This allowed the mill to run longer at the time. The available water was directed to the wheel and fell just over the center onto the blades. This caused the wheel to turn.

Since National Mill Day in 1976, the mill has been running again and real grain can be ground. The opening hours can be found at the bottom of the overview on the homepage.

Olde Meulenweg
7554RL Hengelo
The Netherlands

Olermolen - Watermolen den Haller - Diepenheim

Watermolen den Haller – English

Watermolen den Haller

On the road from Diepenheim to Hengevelde is den Haller corn water mill, which was mentioned early in the Middle Ages. - Watermolen den Haller - Diepenheim

The Diepenheimse Molenbeek and the Schipbeek

The mill is powered by the water of the Diepenheim Molenbeek, which receives its water from the Schipbeek. The mill is the center of a hamlet consisting of several farms and houses. This is probably also where Diepenheim’s origins lie. One of the farms is now a restaurant. - Watermolen den Haller - Diepenheim

Beschermd dorpsgezicht

Due to its historical value, the water mill and its surroundings have the status of a protected village view.

The mill was still in operation every day until 1970. The farmers from the area had their grain milled there. While the miller was busy, they had a drink served in the farm where the restaurant is now located. They then took the flour back with them to bake bread or feed it to the pigs.

In good condition

The watermill has been largely preserved in its original form. It stands on wooden poles in the mill chamber. The tarred wooden facades and worn steps show the traces of the past. This does not alter the fact that the mill is in good condition again after a recent restoration.

Watermolenweg 34
7478PW Diepenheim
The Netherlands

Watermolen den Haller - Molen van Buursink - Markelo

Molen van Buursink – English

Molen van Buursink

In the beautiful village of Markelo, there is 5 heuvels in beautiful food with great natural beauty, the state of de Molen van Buursink. It is a korenmolen, built in 1836 on the street as an octagonal stellingmolen. Het passed the Molen van Buursink as zoveel molens aan het begin van de vorige eeuw. Door de komst van olie- en diesel engines and later electric motors will paint the molenaar onafhankelijk van de wind as hij wilde gaan. The stelling and the wieken were never sea-nodig and are slooped. There was a long period of time between the moles and the romp. Op initiatief van burgemeester Van Haarsman Buma en molenaar Schuurman werd de molen  in 1991 grondig gerestaureerd zo heeft men dit stukje agrarische Gescheidis voor het nageslacht kunnen behouden. - Molen van Buursink - Markelo

Grinding on the wind

Before he starts grinding, the miller sets the sails to the wind. By turning the wheel he can shift the canopy, which is on rollers, until the blades are perpendicular to the wind. To catch more wind, the miller can stretch sails on the blades. When the brake (the catch) is released, the mill starts to turn. Using a system of wooden gears and shafts, the rotation of the blades is transferred to the upper (the “runner”) of the two large round millstones, which are placed in a wooden tub.

The miller dumps the grain into a “cane” and ends up in the shaking bin. This is moved back and forth by the “stone spindle”, causing the grain to fall between the millstones little by little. The stones have grooves that grind the grain. The distance between the stones determines the fineness of the flour and is continuously checked and adjusted by the miller during milling. The flour is collected in bags in the flour loft. - Molen van Buursink - Markelo

Visit the Molen van Buursink

If you would like to know more about how the mill works and what it was like in the past, pay a visit. We are open from Tuesday to Saturday. For precise opening hours, see the Website, among other things. The volunteers will be happy to welcome you and show you around. From the position you can enjoy the view over the village and the surrounding hills. On random days, with sufficient wind, the mill is actually in operation and grinding can be demonstrated. - Molen van Buursink - Markelo

Mill shop

There is also a cozy mill shop; There we have baking flour, seeds, honey, mustard, but also the cookies, cake and biscuits baked by the volunteers are very special!

In the Muldershoes coffee, tea or a glass of soft drink is served and there are interesting and fun videos (also for the little ones) and there is historical photo material. When the weather is nice we also have chairs outside. - Molen van Buursink - Markelo

Stationsstraat 33
7475AL Markelo
The Netherlands

Molen van Buursink Twickeler Houtzaagmolen

De Twickeler Houtzaagmolen – English

De Twickeler Houtzaagmolen

The Twickeler Houtzaagmolen is located close to the road from Delden to Hengelo, just behind the Carelshaven hotel. The mill was built in 1771 by order of Carel George Graaf van Wassenaer Obdam. Twickeler Houtzaagmolen

Wind power

Wood has been sawn here for over two hundred years. During that period, various adjustments were made to the machines to ensure that they can always work with the latest techniques. At first they only worked on wind power. If there was no wind, you could see less or no sawing at all. That is why a steam boiler with steam engine was installed in 1881 and the superstructure, including the blades, gradually disappeared. From 1922, the steam drive was replaced by two electric motors. A saw frame was sacrificed to make room for a circular saw. Although the “windmill” has long since disappeared, we still continue to talk about “the mill”. Yet another saw frame had to make way for a horizontal saw machine around 1950. Twickeler Houtzaagmolen


This sawmill was taken out of operation in 1975 after Twickel built a new sawmill next to it for sawing wood. After a period of decline, a thorough restoration took place in 1988 and 1989 and the Twickeler Houtsawmill was reopened in 1990. The management has been taken over by the “Stichting Beheer Houtzaagmolen Twickel”. Twickeler Houtzaagmolen

Enthusiastic volunteer indispensable

A group of enthusiastic volunteers are constantly working to keep the mill in optimal condition and are ready to welcome you and show you around. Wood is no longer sawn on a commercial basis, but we do show how thick trees were sawn into beams and planks here over the course of two hundred years. Twickeler Houtzaagmolen

Zaagmolenweg 1
7491BS Delden
The Netherlands

De Twickeler Houtzaagmolen

Contact – English


If you have any questions about the mills of the Hof van Twente on this website, please contact the mill in question. Contact information is listed at the bottom of the page for the relevant mill.

To protect your privacy, we comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Check us out here privacybeleid.

We do not yet have a form. Until then you can send an email to

Our locations – English

Where are our mills located?

On this page you will find an overview per location of where our windmills are located in the Hof van Twente and you can easily navigate there.

Select a place


Twickeler Houtzaagmolen

Zaagmolenweg 1
7491BS Delden
The Netherlands

Twickeler Houtzaagmolen

Eschmolen Delden

Molenstraat 80
7491BG Delen
The Netherlands

Eschmolen Delden

Noordmolen Twickel

Noordmolen 5
7495VK Ambt Delden
The Netherlands

Noordmolen Twickel


Den Haller

Watermolenweg 34
7478PW Diepenheim
The Netherlands

Watermolen Den Haller



Mulderskamp 2-B
7471PA Goor
The Netherlands



Molen van Buursink

Stationsstraat 33
7475 AL Markelo
The Netherlands

Molen van Buursink



Oldemeulenweg 2
7554 RL Hengelo
The Netherlands

Oelermolen - Noordmolen Twickel - Logo

Noordmolen Twickel – English

Noordmolen Twickel

Noordmolen Twickel is more than 650 years old. In May 1347, Herman van Twicklo bought “Huize Eijsink” and the Noordmolens (North Mills) located on the Azelose stream from the gentleman farmer (nobleman) Berend van Hulscher. The deed of sale has been preserved in the archives of Twickel Castle. This refers to the Noordmolens. In the past, there was also a flour mill opposite the current oil mill. This was demolished in 1831. - Noordmolen-Twickel - Ambt Delden


The mill has been restored several times, as can still be seen by memorial stones in the quay walls. The mill was restored in 1917, but downtime, partly due to a lack of water, led to further decline. In the years 1976-1978, the mill building was restored again on behalf of the Twickel Foundation. In 1984 the mill received a new water wheel, which was donated by the Rotary Club Delden-Borne. The restoration of the interior was completed in 1989. -Noordmolen-Twickel - Ambt Delden

The Noordmolen is back in operation

Volunteers have been keeping the mill running since May 1990. In 2006 another major repair was necessary. Not only the mill, but also the mill wheel, the quay walls and bridge were in need of renovation. In addition, a miller’s house had to be built due to the Working Conditions Act. This residence has been built as much as possible according to the old techniques used in mill construction. This very large renovation project was possible partly thanks to European subsidy (Leader+). - Noordmolen-Twickel - Ambt Delden

Intangible Heritage

On December 6, 2023, the Olieslaan craft was registered in the Intangible Heritage of the Netherlands inventory. The millers and oil butchers are responsible for transferring the heritage. Volunteer millers play an important role in this, which means that the craft of oil milling has been classified as an intangible heritage. The craft of oil-mining is that intangible heritage.

Olieslaan - Immaterieel Erfgoed Nederland

Noordmolen Twickel is the initiator of, which arose from the above Intangible Heritage Netherlands. The website serves as a platform for all twenty oil mills in the Netherlands. This has led to more cooperation and knowledge sharing. The aim is to jointly further promote, perpetuate and further professionalize the oil-mining craft. Visit or select the logo below.

Noordmolen 5
7495VK Ambt Delden (Hof van Twente)
The Netherlands



Home – English

The mills in the Hof van Twente have united in to showcase their mills, strengthen tourism and promote their cultural heritage of mills and the associated crafts.

The Hof van Twente houses the following mills.  De Braakmolen in Goor, Den Haller Watermill in Diepenheim, de Molen van Buursink in Markelo, Noordmolen Twickel in Ambt Delden, the Twickeler Houtzagmolen in Delden, the Oelermolen in Oele and the Eschmolen Delden in Delden. Look in the menu at “Our watermills” and our “Our windmills” for all information about our mills.

If you cycle to the windmills of the Hof van Twente, it is nice if there are windmills open for viewing. Select the image below for an enlarged and sharper view of the overview that you can zoom in on better. Look at the bottom of the Dutch homepage for an overview and select the image voor a better view.

Each mill has its own style and culture, as has been the case for centuries. They are pearls on an island, who join forces while retaining their own identity. At all mills you will receive explanations and demonstrations from the volunteer millers about everything related to the mill, its history and the environment.

Did you know that the miller’s craft has been included on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2017? Choose one of our beautiful cycling routes on these pages and jump on your bike. Be sure to take your children on this adventure, because children are usually amazed by what they see and hear and have the day of their lives. In this way you pass on your cultural heritage to the next generations, because it is not called heritage for nothing.


The cycling routes of are based on RouteYou. RouteYou is a website that behaves like an app on your mobile. If you only want to cycle routes, this will suffice. You do not need to install the app on your mobile phone. RouteYou is free for you as a user. Select one of our routes below or visit It is useful if you register once for a free account. This can easily be done based on your Apple, Google or Facebook account, or based on your email address with a password of your own choosing.

With RouteYou you can follow our routes with your mobile phone based on GPS. You can also download the routes in almost any desired format, including sights along the route. As route description in PDF, as junction route description, as GPX, you name it.

It is possible to install the RouteYou app on your iPad, but it is the version for the iPhone. The RouteYou app is therefore not suitable for the iPad. Therefore, install the RouteYou PWA app on your iPad, which works fine on it.

If you want to get more out of RouteYou, look at the bottom of the page at the paragraph “More about RouteYou”. cannot be held responsible for the installation and use of RouteYou.

Our cycling routes

Below you will find our three cycling routes. Jump on your bike and visit our windmills.

Route 1: – Hof van Twente – mills around Delden

On this cycle route through the beautiful Twense landscape you will pass the following mills: – Hof van Twente – molens rondom Delden

Route 2: – Hof van Twente – Diepenheim, Markelo and Goor

On this cycle route through the beautiful Twense landscape you will pass the following mills: – Hof van Twente – Diepenheim, Markelo en Goor

Route 3: – Hof van Twente – Connection of mill routes around Delden and Diepenheim

On this cycle route through the beautiful Twense landscape you will pass the following mills: – Hof van Twente – Verbinding molenroutes rondom Delden en Diepenheim

More about RouteYou

For complete information about RouteYou, visit If you want to get the most out of it as an avid cyclist, use the app below with a paid account if necessary.

You can also install RouteYou as an app on your mobile. To do this, select the logos below of the Apple Store and the Play Store.

It is possible to install the RouteYou app on your iPad, but it is the version for the iPhone. The RouteYou app is therefore not suitable for the iPad. Therefore, install the RouteYou PWA app on your iPad, which works fine on it. cannot be held responsible for the installation and use of RouteYou.

When are our mills open?

If you cycle to the windmills of the Hof van Twente, it is nice if there are windmills open for viewing. Select the image below for an enlarged and sharper view of the overview that you can zoom in on better. Look at the bottom of the Dutch homepage for an overview and select the image voor a better view.